All LimeSurvey features
On 12 September 2023, I updated below overview from LimeSurvey features based on this page to be used for easy reference. In my projects I use the Community Edition installed on Ubuntu Server LTS.
Question types
- Matrix
- Matrix (5 point selection)
- Matrix (10 point selection)
- Matrix (yes / no / uncertain)
- Matrix (Increase/ equal / decrease)
- Matrix (by column)
- Matrix (Dual)
- Matrix (Numbers)
- Matrix (Text)
- Date
- Gender
- Numerical input
- Multiple numerical input
- Slider control
- Ranking
- Text module
- Yes / No
- Language change
- Multiple selection
- Multiple selection with commentary
- List selection box
- Option fields list
- List of option fields (5 point selection)
- List with comment field
- Multiple short texts
- Free text (short/medium/long)
- Data-Upload
- Equation
- Location (using leaflet)
- 80+ Languages for administration and surveys
- Multilingual surveys
- Quick translation
- Google Translate support
Panel Integration
- Setting of quotas
- Predefined end URLs
- Transfer of external parameters
- Preset questions with URL parameters
Creation of questions
- Edit HTML directly
- Own JavaScript
- Pictures and Videos (HTML5)
- Reusable questionnaire labels
- Import / export of questions and surveys
- Randomization of questions and groups of questions
Survey logic
- Skip Logic / Branching
- Piping and Micro-Tailoring
- Valuation rules and values
Survey management
- Open and closed surveys
- Individual & mass mailing of invitations and reminders
- Customization of email templates
- Use of different mail servers
- Automatic bounce handling
- Printable surveys
- Start and end time for a survey
Data security & anonymization
- Anonymous surveys
- GDPR compliance
- Support for Google Analytics ©
- Public registration
- Save and later continuation of the survey by participants
- Prevent multiple participation
- Captcha Anti-Spam
Survey design
- Variety of survey designs
- Responsive survey designs for mobile devices
- Own survey design (HTML, CSS, JS)
- Question themes possible
Anticipated data & Reporting
- Timekeeping for surveys
- Data entry in the backend
- Quick statistics with graphical evaluation and export
- Dataexport to SPSS, R, Stata, CSV, Excel & PDF
- Export to archive
- Public statistics
- Screenreader compatibility
- W3C Compliance
- RemoteControl API via XML-RPC / JSON-RPC